This guide is primarily to be used in conjunction with personalized tech support for shop.explorist.life customers. If you are a shop.explorist.life customer and are having issues with your device, please reach out at shop.explorist.life/support for help.
Managing Expectations: If you HAVE NOT purchased your component from us at shop.explorist.life; please save both us and yourself some time and DO NOT fill out the support form above. That support form is reserved for customers only. If you’ve purchased your components elsewhere, we cannot provide 1-on-1 customer support on behalf of our competitors and you should reach out to whom you’ve purchased from for personalized support or otherwise use the guide and workflow below. We’d love to have you as a shop.explorist.life customer in the future, though, so we can provide you the guided support you need.
If you are trying to use this guide to self-solve your problems, here is an outline of things to look for. The following questions/answers should be used in conjunction with the guide from above.
Check the Basics:
- Are any camper lights/fans/loads working?
- Are any other Victron components functioning?
- If other components in the electrical system are ‘on’, this is another indicator that the rest of the system may be properly functioning.
- Confirm master battery switch is ‘on’.
- The Orion will not turn on if the master battery switch is ‘off’.
- Ensure your vehicle is and running.
- The Orion cannot charge unless the engine is running.
- Ensure your house battery bank is not ‘full’ (Either 90+% Battery OR above 13.5V is considered full).
- A full battery will not charge.
- Note any lights on the Orion
- A lack of LED lights on the front of the unit while the unit has appropriate voltage at the input/output terminals may be indicative of a faulty unit.
- Confirm that the remote wire on the Orion is in place.
- The jumper wire must be in place for the Orion to function.
- Ensure solar charging is not overriding DC DC charging by turning solar isolator off.
- If solar is actively charging, DC DC charging ‘may’ not turn on immediately due to this secondary charging source.
- Ensure shore charging is not overriding DC DC charging by disconnecting from shore.
- If shore is actively charging, DC DC charging ‘may’ not turn on immediately due to this secondary charging source.
Check your Settings:
- Follow the ‘Step 3’ programming guide in your troubleshooting workbook and ensure proper settings.
Put eyes on your system:
- Ensure proper workmanship.
- Check for any loose wires
- Check for any loose connections
- Check for any loose terminals
- Check for Errors within the VictronConnect app.
- Errors are typically accompanied by a ‘show more info’ button with/ additional info.
- Verify Output Voltage of Orion
- Output Voltage of Orion should be within 10% of the house battery voltage – if not; investigate why.
- Verify Input Voltage of Orion
- Input Voltage of Orion should be within 10% of the starter battery voltage – if not; investigate why.